Saturday, February 19, 2011

Falling in Love with your Idea

Have an idea? Not sure what to do next?

I’m sure it’s happened to you… you are in the shower and you’re struck as if by lightning with an amazing idea. You’re sure it’s the best idea you’ve ever had. You love it. You may even covet it, afraid to share it with others, like a jealous lover, so nobody will steal it… But now what?

Far too often, this is where things come to a grinding stop. Like an infatuation, it’s as if you’re always just staring at it across the room but never getting to touch it, taste it, feel it.

But what if this time it’s different and you really do want to create something? Then what do you do? As an Idea Coach, I assist people in developing their ideas. What I’ve learned is that you and your idea are in a relationship and evolving it requires connecting at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Let’s begin with the physical aspect, since so many relationships start there.

You love your idea, right? You’re passionate about it. First base in this case is to write it down. Some people never take this step, too afraid of making a mistake, doing it wrong. Performance anxiety crops up. But like a first kiss, there is no right or wrong. You have to just take the plunge. I prefer pencil and big paper instead of typing because computers tend to make things too mental and this is the time to feel into it.

Use your senses. Feel the pencil scratching across the paper. Get colored markers and draw a picture of your idea, even if it’s a book. Create an image of this thought that has taken hold in your mind. What would your idea smell like, what is it’s texture? Add all this to your image.

The emotional aspect is really the engine of this process. It’s the love and passion that gets you through the weeks when the publisher or venture capitalist turns you down. Remember how you felt when you first had the idea, close your eyes, and fill your body with that feeling for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Then, there’s the mental aspect. This is the stage of due diligence where you do your market research, analyze the competition to confirm that this idea really is worth your 100% commitment. Answer basic questions like how is my idea unique or who is my customer.

The spiritual aspect is my favorite. Think about this as tantric idea development where you connect, commune, become one with your idea. Really listen to your idea instead of spending the evening blathering on about your childhood.

Depending on your taste, there are many ways to do this. My goal is always to access the “field” of the idea, to see how it can inform me of what it wants and needs to move forward. Since we are simply the vehicles our ideas use to come into being, we need to listen. Write your idea on a piece of paper and sit on it. Then, wait patiently for its voice to speak to you. It may sound odd but I have been amazed at the insights that come through in this process.

Taking something from an electrical impulse in your brain to a product on a shelf requires action, clear thinking, courage, and connection. With these thoughts in mind, you will be able to move forward, one sense at a time, one level at a time, until you’ve moved in together, signed a legal contract, and begun spawning sequels, product extensions, and ancillary merchandising.

To your success!

Susie Arnett

Idea Coach

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